Who Qualifies for Medicare?
While most people are aware of Medicare, not many people fully understand the different eligibility requirements, or in fact, what Medicare is. We hear phrases like “entitlement programs” and “welfare” tossed about, often in conjunction with Medicare. Those phrases can be mischaracterizations, though, and it is important to fully understand what you are dealing with before you start receiving benefits under this program.
What Is Medicare?
First and foremost, Medicare is a federal program that is run nationally, although some differences in the details vary from state to state. The program is run under the auspices of the Social Security Administration, which means that the benefits administered through the program are often connected with Social Security payments.
Medicare for Medicare Beneficiaries
The typical coverage for Medicare begins after an adult turns sixty-five. It is available as part of a retirement benefit of sorts that the Federal government makes available automatically to most adults.
Medicare for The Disabled
Certain disabled persons are eligible before they turn sixty-five. In order to qualify as disabled, you must go through a strict process of proof. In most cases, there is a requirement that you qualify for social security disability insurance in order to also receive Medicare as a disabled person. If you are applying for disability Medicare, there are several things you should know. For instance, there is a twenty-four month waiting period after qualification before Medicare benefits accrue.
Special Qualifications
There are other situations where an individual may qualify for Medicare. Two of these scenarios include individuals with Lou Gehrig’s disease and with End State Renal Failure. The delay in Medicare benefit accrual does not apply to those individuals with Lou Gehrig’s disease. People with End State Renal Failure may begin receiving benefits three months after the first dialysis treatment.
Still Have Questions?
When it comes to Medicare, there is a lot of information to take in, so don’t be discouraged if you are confused to start out. There are changes to the policies that affect Medicare every year, so it is important to make sure that you keep track of any changes that will make your coverage change. Stay informed, stay on top of things, and keep educating yourself. You can find out more about Medicare and the various policies you can choose from at www.medicare.gov.